Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Israeli/Palestinian Conflict,

Please resolve yourself in a fair and just way for all people sometime in the next month or so. That would really make Div III easier for me. Oh yea, and it would be great for peace and whatnot. Thanks.

Lizz Goldstein

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Rejection

I am not going to India with American Jewish World Service.
I know a lot of you don't read the Peace Now blog, but I thought this was significant to share.

Scary stuff
By Ori Nir

I just learned that Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer was on Israeli terrorist Yaakov Teitel's hit list.

According to minutes from Teitel's police interrogations, which were made public today on Israeli news sites Ynet and NRG, Teitel said that he had planned to follow Yariv and possibly attack him.

Police asked Teitel about attacks he had planned but did not execute. Teitel reportedly said that following his attempt to assassinate Peace Now activist Professor Zeev Sternhell in September of 2008, he considered attacking Yariv. However, a month after the attack on Sternhell, Teitel was stopped for questioning. Aware that he was under police surveillance, he said he decided to halt his terror activity.

Teitel reportedly admitted to carrying out the attack on Sternhell and distributing in Sternhell's Jerusalem neighborhood leaflets offering a reward to anyone who will kill Peace Now activists. The assassination attack and the leaflets prompted Israel's law enforcement authorities to provide special security arrangements for Yariv.

I'm proud of the work that Yariv does every day to promote peace, and -- while I know that Peace Now's people have been targeted -- I'm still a bit horrified to think what would have happened had the police not stopped Teitel.