In this week’s Torah Portion, Moses,
the aged leader of the Israelite people, is told his death is near. He sings a
song, a farewell to the world, full of love and gratitude for God and all of
God’s creations, and chastisement and warning to the People Israel, who is
continually ungrateful for God’s miracles. Moses is allowed to have a glimpse
into the Holy Land that the people will enter soon, though he is not allowed to
enter it himself.
Moses does not get to enter the land
of Israel because God says, “you
betrayed Me in the midst of the children of Israel at the waters of Merivat
Kadesh, in the desert of Zin; because you did not sanctify Me in the midst of
the children of Israel.” This is in reference to chapter 20 of Numbers,
when God told Moses to speak to a rock and water would flow out to give to the
thirsty Israelites. Instead, Moses struck the rock twice and water flowed out.
It may seem like a small matter, but God was very angry that Moses did not do
exactly as God commanded, and says on the spot that for this transgression,
Moses will not be allowed to be the one to bring the people into the Promised
Land. Now in our parasha of the week, after some time has passed and God has
had time to cool the Divine Temper, Moses’s fate remains the same, and his
punishment still stands. He may not enter the land, but instead die upon a
mountain overlooking the border, and Joshua will be the one to conquer Israel
and settle the people.
have just concluded our Ten Days of Awe, a time for repentance, prayer, and
righteousness: asking for and granting forgiveness, understanding that humans
are inherently flawed, praying for the strength to better ourselves, and increased
awareness for tzedakah. To come from that perspective, this Torah portion is a
bit scary. How many times have we said that the Hebrew word “het” – most
often translated as “sin” – really means “missing the mark”? How often do we
declare that we are never too far gone to still atone? How much do we remind
ourselves that God wants us to learn from our mistakes and try harder? How frequently
do we say that the gates of prayer are never closed to us? And yet, for a
seemingly small mistake, Moses is punished to not enter the land of Israel.
to see it from God’s perspective, how disappointing it must have been to see
Moses make that mistake. God and Moses had a very special relationship, such
that none after would have. It is even unique in comparison to the relationship
God had with the other Patriarchs. Moses alone got to speak with God face to
face, was God’s partner in leading the Israelite people through the wilderness,
and sometimes they even squabble over who is responsible for the iniquities of
the people, throwing back and forth assertions of “Your People,” the way a
tired parent might inform his or her spouse, “Your child misbehaved at school
today.” Midrashim depicts them further as true partners, lengthening
conversations we see in Torah to show how deep and extraordinary the
relationship between God and Moses really is. Imagine how God felt when this
one person who seemed to really appreciate all of God’s wonders, who really
seemed to understand God’s mysteries, didn’t follow God’s instructions. Of all
the times the People of Israel are really ungrateful or unbelieving or afraid
in spite of all the things they’ve seen God do for them, Moses is always able
to mediate and keep the peace. Then it was him to make this mistake, and there
was no one to mediate on his behalf for God. So God rules that he will not see
the land of Israel. Further, to be fair, Moses was 120-years-old, and it was
probably an appropriate time for him to be laid to rest anyway. When Joshua
conquers the land of Israel, there’s a lot of fighting involved, and maybe
Moses was just too old to handle that. The Midrash of Devarim Rabbah insists
that God never really planned for Moses to enter the land of Israel. His
destiny was always to prophesy in the land of Egypt and in the wilderness, and
that is all.
ending of Moses’s story is sometimes confusing. He worked so hard to get the
people through the Wilderness, and now he is told in this week’s portion that
he can look at the Holy Land, but not enter it, because of some small mistake.
But sometimes even little mistakes have big consequences, and sometimes without
meaning to we can hurt people’s feelings by not trying harder to understand
them and do what they need us to do, and I think that’s exactly what happened
between Moses and God. As we draw near to the end of our Torah cycle, and start
a fresh year with a clean slate, having done all that self-reflecting on Rosh
Hashanah and that repenting on Yom Kippur, let us take special care to
acknowledge the wrongs we do by accident. It is too easy to claim ignorance or
get defensive over something that was an honest mistake. Let this year be one
of responsibility and accountability. That way we can better learn from our
mistakes and move forward more informed, with better understanding, and
stronger relationships. May we all find the strength to admit our shortcomings
and our ignorances, and the wisdom and humility to acknowledge there’s always
more to learn. Amen and Shabbat Shalom.