Shabbat Shalom! This week’s Torah portion is Parashat
Emor, and it is mostly a list of rules for the priests to follow, though it
also includes an explanation of holidays for all the Israelites to observe, and
ends with story about a blasphemer that sets a strong tone for justice in the
Israelite camp. In the last parasha, the Torah tells us multiple times, “You
shall be holy,” but in this week’s parasha, as the Torah tells us of the extra
responsibilities of the priests, that “They shall be holy” (Leviticus 21:6).
Rashi comments on this use of the third person that it means they should be
holy, even if against their will. A Midrash called the Torat Kohanim explains
that this is to teach us that though the kohanim have extra responsibilities
and carry a heavier burden of holiness, this extra load is not theirs alone. It
is up to the community to continue to do their own work toward holiness and
support the priests in their work. It is up to the community to hold the
priests accountable for their actions and to see to it that the priests are
indeed being holy.
Later in the parasha, God commands that there should be
one law for all in the camp, whether native Israelite or proselyte. This
follows the story of the blasphemer, who was the son of an Israelite woman and
an Egyptian man, and whose status was questionable. Nonetheless, God declares
that the man’s cursing is on par with the cursing of an Israelite, and thus he
should be shut out of the camp and stoned. When the Torah says that we should
have one law for all, it is explicitly talking about those who are considered
in-group and those who are considered resident aliens. However, I think it
could also be interpreted that when the Torah teaches that we should have one
law for everyone, in the same parasha that teaches that the community is
responsible for the holiness of the priests, it is telling us that we must also
apply law equally across tiers of structural hierarchies. Those in higher
positions of power must still be beholden to those whom they serve, and the
civilians below must take up their civic duties to ensure holiness is enacted
at every level of the community.
I’m sure this didn’t always happen in practicality in the
Israelite camp. It certainly doesn’t always happen now. People in power often
get away with corruption and the civilians below often allow it because they feel
too disconnected from their civic duties to properly enforce them. Different
treatments for in-groups, strangers, and leadership, are all unfortunately
common practice. However, with the Torah reminding us of our responsibilities
to each other, our duties to ensure each other’s holiness as well as our own,
and the importance of equality and fair law enforcement for all people, we can
hopefully continue to work toward bettering these systems and ousting the
corruption in leadership. May we remember to see the holiness in others, may we
encourage the holiness in others, and may we strive toward doing our own best
in sharing the responsibilities of our communities. Amen and Shabbat Shalom.