Here's some pictures of the protest.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me
Tensions are high on the kibbutz, on campus, in the country, everywhere. We're safe down here in Ketura, but concerned and confused at the Institute. Yesterday we had a peaceful protest to the violence on both sides. It was empowering. Today I slept a lot, but tonight we had a student-run activity to talk things out some more. There is a lot of emotion. Everyone walks around with a cloud over their heads. Some people didn't come to the activity, which was really frustrating. It was optional, of course, but still we were hoping to come together and talk and listen for solidarity's sake for the people who needed it, if nothing else. I hope we have more protests, but there is the chance it is illegal for foreigners to protest. The law seems to be unclear.
Here's some pictures of the protest.

Here's some pictures of the protest.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Pictures from Bethlehem!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas in Bethlehem
Christmas in Bethlehem was fantastic. Christmas Eve, there were loads of people in Manger Square, and there was entertainment, mostly in Spanish. There were Christmas Carols, and lots of calls to end the occupation. Christmas Day, I got to actually go into the Church of the Nativity, which was awesome. We hung around downtown for a while, then headed back to the farm for mulled wine and warmth and new friends, and then Christmas dinner of lamb and potatoes and veggies and deliciousness. I slept outside, because this inn was full. It was so authentic. I had such a good holiday. For the rest of the weekend, I went to Jerusalem. I went to Kol Ha'Neshema, the "reform" synagogue in Israel for Friday night services. I was disappointed. I was hoping it would be like services at home, but it wasn't. I miss CBSRZ. Saturday, I went down to the Western Wall to pray on my own for a while, because I didn't think going back to Kol HaNeshema would make me feel good, and I didn't have the proper attire to attempt any of the orthodox synagogues around. Saturday night in Jerusalem was, as usual, exciting. I love seeing the people come out at night after it being so quiet all Shabbat. It's like watching the city wake up, literally.
Now I'm back on the Kibbutz, safe and sound. Ghadeer is still back in Ramallah. She's waiting to see if the violence calms down before she attempts to cross the checkpoint. Tensions are high. I'm waiting to see what happens.
I'll post pictures of myself from this weekend that other people took, but in the meantime, you can see all the pictures I took by clicking here: Lizz's Album!
Now I'm back on the Kibbutz, safe and sound. Ghadeer is still back in Ramallah. She's waiting to see if the violence calms down before she attempts to cross the checkpoint. Tensions are high. I'm waiting to see what happens.
I'll post pictures of myself from this weekend that other people took, but in the meantime, you can see all the pictures I took by clicking here: Lizz's Album!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I think we just had a dust storm? I heard shouting, so I looked out the window, and the trees looked about to blow down and everything was dark. Not like, dark dark. But cloudy. In about two minutes, everything calmed down and the dust settled and it was clear again. It's still blustery out, but not like it was. It was wild.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I just came back from another PELS session. Today we watched videos from different perspectives about the conflict, particularly the SEPARATION WALL. My favorite part of the whole session was in the second film we watched, made by the Israeli government to inform the international public about why the WALL was necessary, when the narrator stated, "It's not a wall; it's a fence." Yes. Most fences I've seen are 26 feet high, over a hundred miles long, and made of concrete.
You want to argue about the legitimacy of the wall's construction? That's fine, we can talk about suicide bombers, checkpoints, death tolls on both sides, and the need for security. We can discuss politely whether this wall really protects Israel, or whether it separates the Palestinians and confiscates a hundred extra meters of their land. We can talk about the word apartheid, whether it really just means "separation" or whether it means "South Africa/Racism/Oppressive Laws/Poverty/Death." These are all debatable topics. It's obvious where I currently stand, but we can have a discourse about it. Maybe you'll change my mind. But please, at least call it what it is. This is a wall. Some parts of it may actually be chain link, but this is no fence. If you start out with one lie, how can I listen to the rest of what you have to say?
You want to argue about the legitimacy of the wall's construction? That's fine, we can talk about suicide bombers, checkpoints, death tolls on both sides, and the need for security. We can discuss politely whether this wall really protects Israel, or whether it separates the Palestinians and confiscates a hundred extra meters of their land. We can talk about the word apartheid, whether it really just means "separation" or whether it means "South Africa/Racism/Oppressive Laws/Poverty/Death." These are all debatable topics. It's obvious where I currently stand, but we can have a discourse about it. Maybe you'll change my mind. But please, at least call it what it is. This is a wall. Some parts of it may actually be chain link, but this is no fence. If you start out with one lie, how can I listen to the rest of what you have to say?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
In case anyone felt the strong desire to get me a Chanukah present, even though I'm not there for Chanukah
This t-shirt pretty much sums up my life.
This t-shirt pretty much sums up my life.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Desertification Conference: More Proof that the Arava Institute is really more about building character than learning about the environment
Today, the Arava Institute took a field trip to Sde Boker, where one of the colleges for Ben-Gurion University is (and where Arava masters' students spend their second year), for a conference on desertification. Is the desert expanding? What are the environmental implications? What can we do about it? What is Israel currently doing about it? You get the idea. After getting there at 8 AM, and finishing the lectures at 7 PM, I still can't really answer those questions. Everything was confused, disorganized. There was no communication between conference organizers and Arava staff, so we got pulled out of lectures for other lectures that weren't really happening, we miss lectures due to insufficient planning for room capacity (one lecture was supposed to be required for all 40 of us, but was held in a room that only seated about 40. So by the time all of us had been herded in the right direction to find this room - in a different building than we were originally told - there wasn't room for most of us. We were late to our second-choice lectures as a result of this). Then we were recruited to help serve lunch, which is nice that we could help, but also frustrating that we're paying students and we spent more time setting up, serving, and cleaning lunch than we did at any lectures. But! after all the stupid miscommunication and disorganization and nutty-professorism, we had a lovely dinner, and performance by a Black Hebrew musical group. They were amazing, and then we all got up and danced and danced! It was a fabulous break from a regular Monday on Kibbutz Ketura.
But at least we were in the desert. That's kind of like hearing lectures on desertification.
Oh, also, I forgot to mention we were sort of tricked into holding a political rally. It was a lot of fun, but so not what we thought. We were told we were taking part in a protest against the raising of bus prices. But then, we were the only ones there, and all we did was hold up these signs for Israel's Green Party and make a lot of noise.
I actually really liked this blurred jazz man picture. It's like an album cover. For that Black Hebrew Jazz Man. You know the one.
I left my camera in the hands of someone not as fun as me (who didn't want to dance), but he really didn't take any pictures of me. This is the best I got, but I'm blocked by that other girl and I look sort of doofy.
But here's a better picture of the group as a whole. You can tell I'm there, too, though you can't see my face. I'm that light blue shoulder that's even with everyone else's lower chest.
Time for bed. Love.
And now for some pictures!
Look! Proof we're doing nothing! This is while we were waiting for our professor, who showed up an hour later than the time our schedule said we were supposed to meet with him. We could have been learning at this time. Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Going over to Susan's house
I went to visit Rabbi Susan Silverman today to talk about saving the world. I've been feeling really frustrated with the Institute the past few days (particularly after last week's PELS session), and I wanted to ask her if she's been where I am now. She was really helpful. First she told me, when she was about to graduate (before she even knew she wanted to be a rabbi), she went to Howard Zinn (her mentor), and asked him how to save the world. He replied, "One person at a time." Like the story about the old man throwing starfish back into the ocean. But when she thought about saving the world one person at a time, all she could think was, "THAT SLOW?!" But then she reminded me that being here now is hard work and we're not going to solve the 60 (or 5000) year old conflict in this semester, but we are planting seeds. She put into perspective that our lives are short, so its often impossible to see the scope of how each of us is changing the world, because we just want to see the big picture. She also suggested I re-examine my life, in terms of only having large goals. That I need a dual focus: one for ending genocide, but also one to keep me grounded, like the rabbi thing (focusing on Jewish values and Spirituality, and knowing I'll be able to help individuals, even if I am unsuccessful with the Impossible Dream). And in between both of those, to stop and have tea and cookies with her or go for walks or take a nap or talk to Katharine or whatever else I need to do to clear my mind. Because being a stressball isn't helping anyone. Its in the Torah.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pictures not taken with my camera!
Even More Pictures!
More pictures!
Sunrise over Beit Jalla (East Jerusalem)
Me and my roommate at the Dance Party in the Beit Jalla hotel the first night in Jerusalem.
The Ramat Hovav Industry symbol is a dung beetle. I'm not really sure why they chose it, but I feel its appropriate.
Me, Liat (one of the PA's) and Eliot, enjoying some down time.
The Medicinal Herb Garden at the recognized Bedouin village. What a difference from the silver water!
The moment you've all been waiting for - Pictures!
This is the water source that runs through one of the unrecognized villages. Notice the delicious silvery color of the water from the industry chemicals upstream.
This picture isn't so good, as it was taken from the bus, but it should the greenness and the pool at the Single Family Farm. In the desert?
This is over the Mactesh Crater, where we took our hike the first day. They're building a hotel right on the cliff.
This is my defacto big brother. Without Eddie or Russell around here in Israel, Aaron has kindly stepped into the role of doing brotherly things. He's gives me noogies, shoots olive pits out of his nose, slaps my face with challah, helps me with my science homework, holds my arm to stabilize my steps down the scary declines on big hikes. This is at the bottom of such a decline.
From the highest point of our hike.
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's been such a long week
I don't know where to even begin telling you all about the last week. I guess I will just start at the beginning and go through the week. This is going to be a very long post.
Our class trip started Sunday with a hike in Mizpe Ramon, around a crater. It was a pretty good hike, but it had some of those narrow, steep, declines that I hate. Don't worry, there will be pictures.
After the hike, we had some lectures, which were pretty interesting, but I have to question who thought we'd be able to sit through two hours of lecturing after getting up before 5 and then hiking for two and a half hours. It was tough. But I especially appreciated the Environmental Yeshiva presentation, which was in Hebrew. I wouldn't have been able to understand the whole lecture without Uri's translations, but I was glad to be exposed to Hebrew for an extended period of time (you'd think it wouldn't be so hard in Israel, but everyone just wants to talk to us in English), and I was able to understand a fair amount of what he was saying.
After lunch, we had a visit a a Single Family Farm. What this is, is large areas of land in the Negev are being given to Jewish Israelis to develop and lay claim to "unused" land, most of which is actually largely Bedouin lands. Furthermore, the lands are used for agriculture. This farm we went to had thousands of olive trees. The desert is not really made for agriculture. These plants do not grow naturally there. They require a lot of irrigation, and water is already a huge issue here. The woman who spoke to us, the owner of the farm, did not want us there but in the end allowed us to come for a short while, probably because promoting tourism is part of the deal in getting this land from the government. She said some really inflammatory things about Arabs, particularly Bedouins. But I'm not sure how much she meant any of what she said, including her personal Zionism. It was all just a lot of rhetoric. I think she really just wanted the land and the reclusion that the single family farm provides. She was very concerned about the surface of things, that much was apparent.
Monday and Tuesday was mostly dedicated to Bedouin villages and environmental racism. There are seven "Townships" - Bedouin villages that have been recognized and are treated like regular Israeli towns (for the most part). The recognized village we went had a medicinal herb garden and a really inspirational woman who ran it. She made her own holistic medicine and cosmetics line out of the tradition Bedouin herbs she grows. She has her own small business, but she has big dreams for it. She's a pretty traditional Bedouin woman, but she's strong. She decided that marriage wasn't a top priority, this business was. I wonder is this level of modern gender equality would have been so possible at an unrecognized village or in a traditional semi-nomadic Bedouin community. In addition to this township, there are dozens more villages that are unrecognized, though some are in the process of gaining recognition, but they are all in pretty bad shape. The villages are poor, many have no running water or electricity. We visited one village that is unreognized and thus its residents have no claim over their own land. So the Israeli government decided it could build an electrical power plant there right over it, and there's also an industrial park nearby. So people are dying of cancer, which is being linked to the various industry pollutants, but of course the industries are denying that they could possibly be responsible, and meanwhile this village sitting under a power plant isn't actually connected to power lines. It was all so frustrating! After all the Bedouin-visiting, and some more lectures from the industrial park representative and the regional council (neither of which I found to be very informative), we were done with the Negev and off to East Jerusalem, where we had a wild dance party in our hotel.
Wednesday was the Peace Conference at Al-Quds University. The first panel was a lot of hot air and I was bored and frustrated and fidgety. My personal notes during this part, "What counts as success for this conference [the wish for a "successful conference was brought up a lot]? To find a solution here, now? To start a political and social revolution of two states, which will inevitably affect the entire world, here in this college lecture hall? Sure the important players are here, but there are maybe 300 people here, and we're talking about the futures of approximately 10 million people. I've travelled across the world for a hands-on education, and yet, sitting in this room in East Jerusalem, I feel further away from Peace than ever. But then, I suppose, 'if you will it, it is no dream' [Theodor Herzl]. We will peace. A two state solution. Coexistence. The crisis will be over if we believe we can end it."
The second two panels were more engaging. People had some ideas of how we can actually start the peace process, now that both sides have agreed that peace is the ideal. A lot of dependence was place on politicians, including Barack Obama (who has a lot on his plate for his own country) and Tzipi Livni (who hasn't even been elected yet). Other than that, though, it was good. I almost even have hope.
Wednesday night, we had "Thanksgiving" dinner at Tareq's house (a professor at the institute). It was the first time in 9 years I had turkey on thanksgiving, and it only took me to go across the world to do it. It wasn't kosher, but it was halal(the Muslim version of Kosher; the rules are pretty similar) and free-range, and was cooked in the village oven. So I thought that was pretty awesome. And instead of pumpkin pie, desert was fresh made baklawa. Which I love. I tried to teach my classmates "Let There be Peace on Earth," but we only made it through the chorus and it just wasn't the same. I missed home a lot.
Thursday was the last day of our trip and it was pretty easy going. We gardened with a small community in Jerusalem, and we met with the newly elected vice mayor of Jerusalem. She's a sweet woman. A little too naive for politics, I thought, but maybe that's a fresh start. So that was the end of our trip. Officially.
Many of us went directly to a protest in East Jerusalem once we were let loose. There was a Palestinian family that was forcefully evicted from their home so that Jewish settlers can live there. So the family is currently living in a tent in a privately owned vacant lot in at the bottom of the hill their neighborhood sits on. Now, it was a lot warmer in Jerusalem than I was expecting it to be, at least in the day time. But I would not want to be living outside up there this time of year. We went to get the facts and show our support for the family, but then we decided to go check out the neighborhood up the hill. The Palestinian home is now a synagogue. It's infuriating. I was trying to decide what parshat the Orthodox Jews in there could have been studying that would have made it even more ironic. The best I could come up with is maybe when Jacob stole his brother's birthright. Maybe when Hagar and baby Ishmael was cast out of Abraham's home. I don't know. All I know, is that according to my interpretation of the Torah, stealing is wrong, and so is standing idly by the pain of your neighbor. So I'm really at a loss for how they could possibly justify studying Talmud in a building they really have no rightful claim to, while people shiver in the cold (the patriarch of this Palestinian family actually had just died, about a week ago, from a massive attack in his sleep. His health had started to deteriorate dramatically after the eviction, and he was in and out of the hospital a few times before he died). The Israeli security guard felt threatened by the small group of college peaceniks, and threatened to call the police, so we left. I didn't get a chance to really cause trouble, as I wanted to, by walking into the synagogue and announcing to the traditional religious men that I wanted to study with them. Hannah pointed out I wouldn't be received well because I'm a woman. I pointed out they'd probably throw rocks at me because I'm a woman wearing a kippah.
After all the drama and intense emotions of world saving all week, I went to Haifa for Thursday and Tzefat for Friday and Saturday. Both were really nice. Thursday, I met up with a friend I had met in Tel Aviv and the two of us tagged along with two girls from my program to a family friend's house. Evie and Uri were really welcoming to Ittaj and I, even though they were not expecting us, and honestly we weren't expecting anything from them. I asked Anna to ask her "aunt" if she could suggest a hostel or something, and she just invited us along instead. It was really sweet. The four of us went to the Baha'i Gardens and wandered about the city a bit on Friday. Then Anna and Sarit went back to Evie and Uri's house, and Ittaj and I went on to Tzefat. Tzefat is like Kabbalist city. Its very religious, but more spiritual than Jerusalem. I'd really like to go back when more things are open and explore more. But it was a beautiful Shabbat. We got there too late for Friday night services, but we went to a Chabad house for dinner, and the rabbi let me sit on the men's side because it was just me and Ittaj, and my Hebrew is still not so good to have a conversation with strange old religious ladies. It was pretty neat. I think playing Haredi dress up helped. Instead of my kippah, I wore Michael Flynn's denim cap that Mary Lou gave me a few years back. With my hair tucked into the hat, along with a long skirt and long shirt and boots, I look like a Hasidic little wife. There are no pictures, because I was also playing Shomer Shabbos and not taking any photos on Shabbat, but I'm sure I'll play Haredi dress up again and get picture to send you.
All in all it was a great week. But now I'm exhausted and behind in my homework.
Our class trip started Sunday with a hike in Mizpe Ramon, around a crater. It was a pretty good hike, but it had some of those narrow, steep, declines that I hate. Don't worry, there will be pictures.
After the hike, we had some lectures, which were pretty interesting, but I have to question who thought we'd be able to sit through two hours of lecturing after getting up before 5 and then hiking for two and a half hours. It was tough. But I especially appreciated the Environmental Yeshiva presentation, which was in Hebrew. I wouldn't have been able to understand the whole lecture without Uri's translations, but I was glad to be exposed to Hebrew for an extended period of time (you'd think it wouldn't be so hard in Israel, but everyone just wants to talk to us in English), and I was able to understand a fair amount of what he was saying.
After lunch, we had a visit a a Single Family Farm. What this is, is large areas of land in the Negev are being given to Jewish Israelis to develop and lay claim to "unused" land, most of which is actually largely Bedouin lands. Furthermore, the lands are used for agriculture. This farm we went to had thousands of olive trees. The desert is not really made for agriculture. These plants do not grow naturally there. They require a lot of irrigation, and water is already a huge issue here. The woman who spoke to us, the owner of the farm, did not want us there but in the end allowed us to come for a short while, probably because promoting tourism is part of the deal in getting this land from the government. She said some really inflammatory things about Arabs, particularly Bedouins. But I'm not sure how much she meant any of what she said, including her personal Zionism. It was all just a lot of rhetoric. I think she really just wanted the land and the reclusion that the single family farm provides. She was very concerned about the surface of things, that much was apparent.
Monday and Tuesday was mostly dedicated to Bedouin villages and environmental racism. There are seven "Townships" - Bedouin villages that have been recognized and are treated like regular Israeli towns (for the most part). The recognized village we went had a medicinal herb garden and a really inspirational woman who ran it. She made her own holistic medicine and cosmetics line out of the tradition Bedouin herbs she grows. She has her own small business, but she has big dreams for it. She's a pretty traditional Bedouin woman, but she's strong. She decided that marriage wasn't a top priority, this business was. I wonder is this level of modern gender equality would have been so possible at an unrecognized village or in a traditional semi-nomadic Bedouin community. In addition to this township, there are dozens more villages that are unrecognized, though some are in the process of gaining recognition, but they are all in pretty bad shape. The villages are poor, many have no running water or electricity. We visited one village that is unreognized and thus its residents have no claim over their own land. So the Israeli government decided it could build an electrical power plant there right over it, and there's also an industrial park nearby. So people are dying of cancer, which is being linked to the various industry pollutants, but of course the industries are denying that they could possibly be responsible, and meanwhile this village sitting under a power plant isn't actually connected to power lines. It was all so frustrating! After all the Bedouin-visiting, and some more lectures from the industrial park representative and the regional council (neither of which I found to be very informative), we were done with the Negev and off to East Jerusalem, where we had a wild dance party in our hotel.
Wednesday was the Peace Conference at Al-Quds University. The first panel was a lot of hot air and I was bored and frustrated and fidgety. My personal notes during this part, "What counts as success for this conference [the wish for a "successful conference was brought up a lot]? To find a solution here, now? To start a political and social revolution of two states, which will inevitably affect the entire world, here in this college lecture hall? Sure the important players are here, but there are maybe 300 people here, and we're talking about the futures of approximately 10 million people. I've travelled across the world for a hands-on education, and yet, sitting in this room in East Jerusalem, I feel further away from Peace than ever. But then, I suppose, 'if you will it, it is no dream' [Theodor Herzl]. We will peace. A two state solution. Coexistence. The crisis will be over if we believe we can end it."
The second two panels were more engaging. People had some ideas of how we can actually start the peace process, now that both sides have agreed that peace is the ideal. A lot of dependence was place on politicians, including Barack Obama (who has a lot on his plate for his own country) and Tzipi Livni (who hasn't even been elected yet). Other than that, though, it was good. I almost even have hope.
Wednesday night, we had "Thanksgiving" dinner at Tareq's house (a professor at the institute). It was the first time in 9 years I had turkey on thanksgiving, and it only took me to go across the world to do it. It wasn't kosher, but it was halal(the Muslim version of Kosher; the rules are pretty similar) and free-range, and was cooked in the village oven. So I thought that was pretty awesome. And instead of pumpkin pie, desert was fresh made baklawa. Which I love. I tried to teach my classmates "Let There be Peace on Earth," but we only made it through the chorus and it just wasn't the same. I missed home a lot.
Thursday was the last day of our trip and it was pretty easy going. We gardened with a small community in Jerusalem, and we met with the newly elected vice mayor of Jerusalem. She's a sweet woman. A little too naive for politics, I thought, but maybe that's a fresh start. So that was the end of our trip. Officially.
Many of us went directly to a protest in East Jerusalem once we were let loose. There was a Palestinian family that was forcefully evicted from their home so that Jewish settlers can live there. So the family is currently living in a tent in a privately owned vacant lot in at the bottom of the hill their neighborhood sits on. Now, it was a lot warmer in Jerusalem than I was expecting it to be, at least in the day time. But I would not want to be living outside up there this time of year. We went to get the facts and show our support for the family, but then we decided to go check out the neighborhood up the hill. The Palestinian home is now a synagogue. It's infuriating. I was trying to decide what parshat the Orthodox Jews in there could have been studying that would have made it even more ironic. The best I could come up with is maybe when Jacob stole his brother's birthright. Maybe when Hagar and baby Ishmael was cast out of Abraham's home. I don't know. All I know, is that according to my interpretation of the Torah, stealing is wrong, and so is standing idly by the pain of your neighbor. So I'm really at a loss for how they could possibly justify studying Talmud in a building they really have no rightful claim to, while people shiver in the cold (the patriarch of this Palestinian family actually had just died, about a week ago, from a massive attack in his sleep. His health had started to deteriorate dramatically after the eviction, and he was in and out of the hospital a few times before he died). The Israeli security guard felt threatened by the small group of college peaceniks, and threatened to call the police, so we left. I didn't get a chance to really cause trouble, as I wanted to, by walking into the synagogue and announcing to the traditional religious men that I wanted to study with them. Hannah pointed out I wouldn't be received well because I'm a woman. I pointed out they'd probably throw rocks at me because I'm a woman wearing a kippah.
After all the drama and intense emotions of world saving all week, I went to Haifa for Thursday and Tzefat for Friday and Saturday. Both were really nice. Thursday, I met up with a friend I had met in Tel Aviv and the two of us tagged along with two girls from my program to a family friend's house. Evie and Uri were really welcoming to Ittaj and I, even though they were not expecting us, and honestly we weren't expecting anything from them. I asked Anna to ask her "aunt" if she could suggest a hostel or something, and she just invited us along instead. It was really sweet. The four of us went to the Baha'i Gardens and wandered about the city a bit on Friday. Then Anna and Sarit went back to Evie and Uri's house, and Ittaj and I went on to Tzefat. Tzefat is like Kabbalist city. Its very religious, but more spiritual than Jerusalem. I'd really like to go back when more things are open and explore more. But it was a beautiful Shabbat. We got there too late for Friday night services, but we went to a Chabad house for dinner, and the rabbi let me sit on the men's side because it was just me and Ittaj, and my Hebrew is still not so good to have a conversation with strange old religious ladies. It was pretty neat. I think playing Haredi dress up helped. Instead of my kippah, I wore Michael Flynn's denim cap that Mary Lou gave me a few years back. With my hair tucked into the hat, along with a long skirt and long shirt and boots, I look like a Hasidic little wife. There are no pictures, because I was also playing Shomer Shabbos and not taking any photos on Shabbat, but I'm sure I'll play Haredi dress up again and get picture to send you.
All in all it was a great week. But now I'm exhausted and behind in my homework.
Friday, November 21, 2008
יומ הולדת סמאח לקטורה
Today is the Kibbutz's 35 birthday! All the children had the day off from school, everyone else from work. It's been a fun day. A fun weekend, really. Wednesday we had a Global Chilling Party (some students decided the best way we can fight global warming is if we chill out a little, because everyone too stressed about school). There was good music, great snacks, punch, a drum circle for a little while, and we danced in paint (for an art piece we gave to the kibbutz for its birthday). Yesterday was some activities for the kibbutz, but also just a good relaxing day. I did some cleaning and made PUMPKIN PIE! And then last night was the tradition kibbutz BBQ (the Israelis on Ketura are sooooooooo American. I wonder if the nearby kibbutzim make fun of them here?). Tonight is Shabbat, and there's some talk of a bonfire after dinner. Tomorrow is more Shabbat relaxing and kibbutz birthday celebration, and then to bed early after Havdalah, because the class trip starts Sunday at 5 AM. Here's some pictures of all the fun I'm having!
Tel Aviv at sunset:
From the Old Jaffo neighborhood of Tel Aviv:

After dancing in paint:
Eliot and I switched caps for a little while at the Chilling Party:
Tel Aviv at sunset:
After dancing in paint:
Eliot and I switched caps for a little while at the Chilling Party:
Monday, November 17, 2008
I went on a 47 mile bike ride today. At least, that how long I think it was. 122 km, I think I was told? I don't remember. I thought it was straight from Ketura to Eilat, about 50 km. It was not. It was much much longer. With hills. When I reached the top crest of the last hill, and I could see Eilat's hotels, and the sea, and Aqaba over in Jordan, I almost started to cry. It was so beautiful, and I was so tired, and so happy to see my destination. I'm still very tired. And sore. But here's a picture from the Rainbow Gathering that my roommate finally uploaded:

Front row (from left): Anna, Hazem, ME, Ghadeer (my roomie). Next row: Sarah, Moutassem, Khoulud. Behind Sara, you can sort of see Eric's hat. I don't know who that guy on the side making a kissy face is.

Front row (from left): Anna, Hazem, ME, Ghadeer (my roomie). Next row: Sarah, Moutassem, Khoulud. Behind Sara, you can sort of see Eric's hat. I don't know who that guy on the side making a kissy face is.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It's been a while....
I've been very busy, so I haven't updated much. There's just always a lot going on with school and student life activities, and the need to just have "me-time." But now I have time to say a few things. First, I went to Tel Aviv this weekend! It was very exciting! I didn't really do anything to write home about (as they say) but it was just really nice to get off of the kibbutz and into a real city for a little while. A lot of people were in Tel Aviv, but we all had our own agenda, which was also really good. No one was ever really alone, but its not like the Arava Institute was in Tel Aviv, either. We made some new Israeli friends, which was very exciting. I hope we actually keep in touch, because it was a fun weekend. But friends met in bars are not always reliable to be real friends, so we'll see.
Another interesting fact, I had mammal meat for the first time in 8 1/2 years. About a week ago, I was in Eilat with a few friends and we went to a Brazilian Steak House, the kind where they bring around all the different cuts of meat, and you take little bits of everything. I ordered vegetarian, but decided I wanted some of the experience, so I tasted some Arik's beef. Also this weekend I did the same with lamb. I still can't bring myself to order it on my own, but if someone else is offering me a bite, I figure, Israel is the best place to eat meat. At least here I know the meat is kosher, which means its grown locally (not in giant cow pastures in South America where rain forests should be), slaughtered "humanely" (and not kept in tiny cages until lured to gruesome deaths), and is not pumped full of hormones (not what you might call organic or free range, but definitely a step up from American meat). And its small amounts, but maybe it adds some protein and iron into my meal.
And finally, some observations that amuse me:
Another interesting fact, I had mammal meat for the first time in 8 1/2 years. About a week ago, I was in Eilat with a few friends and we went to a Brazilian Steak House, the kind where they bring around all the different cuts of meat, and you take little bits of everything. I ordered vegetarian, but decided I wanted some of the experience, so I tasted some Arik's beef. Also this weekend I did the same with lamb. I still can't bring myself to order it on my own, but if someone else is offering me a bite, I figure, Israel is the best place to eat meat. At least here I know the meat is kosher, which means its grown locally (not in giant cow pastures in South America where rain forests should be), slaughtered "humanely" (and not kept in tiny cages until lured to gruesome deaths), and is not pumped full of hormones (not what you might call organic or free range, but definitely a step up from American meat). And its small amounts, but maybe it adds some protein and iron into my meal.
And finally, some observations that amuse me:
- Middle Easterners have no concept of time
- Israelis are very honest, it's part of the "no manners" culture.
- Jews have very flat feet and are fuzzy
- Israeli pigeons are like NYC pigeons' more attractive cousin. They have prettier coloring on their wings, and they're not as gross and aggressive
- There is a serious cat problem in the Middle East
- And finally, Israeli mosquitoes love me. This one actually isn't amusing anymore. It's sort of a problem. I'm going to try buying new soap and moisturizer, but if the bites continue after that, I think I'm going to go to a doctor to see if maybe they're not bites at all, but some sort of allergic reaction. I'm the only one who has them as many, as big, and as often. I'm scarring from all the scratching. Right now, my arms are covered in anti-histamine ointment, hydrocortisone, and band aids (to stop me from being able to scratch
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Science is scary
I have a test tomorrow in Climate Change, and I'm very nervous. I was just looking over the lecture notes, and I think that I understand everything, but I always think that I understand this sciency stuff, but then the exam comes around and its never as simple as it seems, and I get numbers mixed up, and I end up only getting half-points on every question. And that's how I end up with a 100-level natural science evaluation like, "Elizabeth is clearly not a science student, but A for effort!" and with that D in marine biology. Just to make matters worse, the only time the official review session could be is during Hebrew class. Those of us in Hebrew class will be having our own review session, but when its led by the professor, sometimes you get hints on what questions will be asked, and more precise information for the test itself. Wish me luck! The test is at 8 AM.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Booo science
I got my marine biology grade back. I passed, but just barely. I'm really disappointed, because I actually liked that class. It makes me nervous about Environmental Science, though at least I have 3 months to get the hang of it (instead of 6 class days).
On a happier note, my friend Arielle (who I lived with in Cape Cod this summer) sent me a Halloween-y package. Look at my spoils!

On a happier note, my friend Arielle (who I lived with in Cape Cod this summer) sent me a Halloween-y package. Look at my spoils!
Friday, October 31, 2008
What I did instead of homework yesterday
Then of course pictures of our successful party:

I had to go to Eilat to get some pharmacy stuff and a pumpkin for our CHALLOWEEN party, and it turned into quite a day...

It all uploaded backwards and I don't know how to fix it. But you get the idea. Someone must have pictures of me in costume, I'll post it when I find one.
I had to go to Eilat to get some pharmacy stuff and a pumpkin for our CHALLOWEEN party, and it turned into quite a day...
It all uploaded backwards and I don't know how to fix it. But you get the idea. Someone must have pictures of me in costume, I'll post it when I find one.
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