Today is the Kibbutz's 35 birthday! All the children had the day off from school, everyone else from work. It's been a fun day. A fun weekend, really. Wednesday we had a Global Chilling Party (some students decided the best way we can fight global warming is if we chill out a little, because everyone too stressed about school). There was good music, great snacks, punch, a drum circle for a little while, and we danced in paint (for an art piece we gave to the kibbutz for its birthday). Yesterday was some activities for the kibbutz, but also just a good relaxing day. I did some cleaning and made PUMPKIN PIE! And then last night was the tradition kibbutz BBQ (the Israelis on Ketura are sooooooooo American. I wonder if the nearby kibbutzim make fun of them here?). Tonight is Shabbat, and there's some talk of a bonfire after dinner. Tomorrow is more Shabbat relaxing and kibbutz birthday celebration, and then to bed early after Havdalah, because the class trip starts Sunday at 5 AM. Here's some pictures of all the fun I'm having!
Tel Aviv at sunset:

From the Old Jaffo neighborhood of Tel Aviv:

After dancing in paint:

Eliot and I switched caps for a little while at the Chilling Party:
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